The Arlington Booster Club Auction hosted at Bidding Owl has been extended to AUGUST 2, 2020
Bid early... and bid often, thank you for your support.

Friday Night Movies

After receiving new guidelines from the State of Oregon today, new Superintendent, Mr. Hammond would like input from community members on the re-entry plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
If you have time to meet with him to discuss this plan and/or ideas to start the school year please contact the school at 541-454-2632 or Mr. Hammond directly via email bhammond@arlington.k12.or.us to set up a time.

Arlington School District is inviting all families to answer survey questions about school in the fall. This will help us better understand what families are most concerned about and need, as we continue to work through the guidance from the state. We remain committed to our goal of having every student return to the building every day. Please return as soon as possible. As always, if you have a question or concern please do not hesitate to contact the district office. This survey is also going out by USPS. If you have already completed and returned the paper survey please do not complete this online version. Click on this link for the survey: https://forms.gle/Yb4PGLX5Qywa3y3fA

Come join us Friday night at the football field!! More information on social distancing will be posted later this week.

Attention 7th-12th grade students
There were several items left in the AHS locker room PE lockers at the end of the year. If you would like your items please come to the school to claim them by July 31st. Also there are some 7th-8th grade lockers with items in them, because these lockers were shared we are unable to determine who it belongs to. Please also claim at AHS by July 31st. If you have any questions call the school 541-454-2632

All college classes meet with Ms. McGuire July 22 for college registration at 10AM

If you are interested in participating in a planning session regarding the school reentry plan and student investment act on July 15th at 6:30 pm please contact the M. Shandy at mshandy@arlington.k12.or.us or leave a message at the school 541-454-2632. Once we receive message that you are interested in attending we will contact you with additional information.

The Arlington Booster Club will be having an online auction this summer since we couldn't have it at the crab feed! The Auction will start Monday, July 20th and end Sunday, July 26th. Check out the website below to see the items. https://www.biddingowl.com/Auction/index.cfm?auctionID=22238

Eastern Promise / EOU: online college applications due mid July. Fall registration opens August 10. Contact Ms McGuire for more details

Summer Lunch Program is going to go through the end of August 2020, Monday through Thursday, for ages 0 thru 18. No need to be registered at Arlington SD. Please pick up at AGS cafeteria.

AHS CLASS of 2020... your Chromebooks have been removed from ASD management. Please POWERWASH them to eliminate any further management from ASD. ? see MRC

LOST and FOUND at AHS OFFICE... anything look familiar? Please contact ASD office to pick up your gear ASAP (541-454-2632)

REMEMBER... students PLEASE turn in your classwork. Teachers will be issuing your grades this week.

Arlington School District Graduation Guidelines
Families of Graduates have reserved seating in front of the Stage.
Guests are allowed to sit in bleachers or surrounding area as long as they maintain social distancing.
Anyone in an immune compromised condition or that prefers more safe guards may sit in their car and park facing the football field.
After the Graduation Ceremony, the graduates would like you to join the parade. (Aprox. 3:00pm)
A photographer has been hired to take pictures and all copies will be free to parents and families.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our community safe.

ARLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Class of 2020 Commencement
June 6, 2 PM, Arlington High School
Public Welcome
Social distancing rules apply, gift and card boxes on site.
Community Parade with the Graduates to follow.

Arlington High School 2020 Athletic Awards https://arlingtonhonkers.com/2020/06/04/arlington-high-school-athletic-awards/

We wanted to remind you that the last day school lunches will be delivered to your homes will be June 10, 2020. Starting June 11th through June 30th you can pick up a school lunch at the Arlington Grade School between 11:00am and 12:00pm. We will not be able to provide lunches after June 30th.
If you have not already returned your lunch applications to the school, please do so as soon as possible. We use these to determine if we are able to be reimbursed by the state for these lunches and without them we will not be able to provide the free meals.
If you have any questions, please contact the Grade School office at 541-454-2727

Teddy Fennern
Gilliam County
Family Services
P.O. Box 427
Condon, OR 97823
FaX: 541-384-3304

All AHS Class of 2020 Seniors please check your school emails for important graduation information. Need information by Friday, May 30th.