PUBLIC NOTICES (newest at top of list)

  • Division 22 Standards OAR 581-022-2305 compliance assurance report 23-24 LINK

  • Arlington SD SIA Grant Amendment 24-25

  • Arlington Healthy and Safe Schools Program (HASS) Plan posted 7-2024 PLAN

  • Arlington Healthy and Safe Schools Program (HASS) Annual Reporting posted 7-2024 REPORT

    • Test Results RADON posted 7-2024 REPORT

    • Test Results WATER posted 7-2024 REPORT

  • RADON plan - Arlington School District posted 7-2024 PLAN

  • Arlington SD 23-25 SIA HSS Grant Agreement (Student Success Act -Student Investment Account) LINK (posted 4/3/2024)

  • SIA Annual Report FINAL_ Q4 Narrative Annual Report 22-23 - Arlington SD 3 - Web Posting LINK

  • Report on Compliance with Public School Standards 2022-23 School Year (LINK)

  • 2023-2024 School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan Arlington (LINK)

  • Arlington School District Title I Plan (LINK) updated 8/23

  • Annual Notice for Statewide Testing (ENGLISH SPANISH)

  • Statewide Testing OPT-OUT form and procedure (ENGLISH SPANISH)

  • SEED Survey Notice/OPT-OUT form (ENGLISH SPANISH)

  • Arlington K-12 & Gilliam County Immunization Rates (LINK)

  • Arlington Integrated Programs Application (LINK)

  • Mask Mandate for schools information. (8/4/21)


  • Free Breakfast and Lunch Information

  • Arlington School District SIA PLAN  SIA Annual Report

  • 2021-2022 ODE Oregon English Language Learner Report (link)

  • Arlngton Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Plan LINK

  • School-Level COVID-19 Management Plan For School Year 2022-23 LINK

  • Communicable Diseases Management ANNEX  (updated 8-26-2020

  • OSHA Exposure Risk Assessment Form(12/15/20)

  • OSHA Infection Control Plan (12/15/20)

  • March 2022 Mask info LINK

  • Oregon District Continuous Improvement Plan 2019-2021

  • Exclusion and Restraint 2021-2022 Report

  • HASS reporting LINK

  • Arlington Suicide Prevention Plan LINK updated (MAY26, 2023)