John Neibergal from Sherwood HS (#bowmenfablab) brought computers with Rhino CAD, the Roland vinyl cutter, printing and weeding supplies to our school in April 2015. John and his program were recipients of a CTE Revitalization grant to provide equipment and trainings to schools like Arlington. the unique delivery option allowed John to visit schools with his RV and bring the training to the students and the teacher. 8 hours well spent.
the days started with RHINO CAD basics then to some tricks and tools of the trade he had learned. Students arranged to spend all day in the training.
at that time we instituted "Tribal Learning" environment where those who know how to teach a skill share that with those around them. "before you ask me, ask 3" and "who can show this person how to do that?" where common behaviors observed in the classroom.
the initial training involved 8 students, but quickly increased to 20 or more as word got out what we were doing in the HonkerTech FabLab
the "business" concept surrounding custom decals for our program quickly became our mode of sustainability. wholesale/jobber/retail, cost of labor and materials, and other business concepts became a natural part of the conversation related to projects completed that day.
some products of that day are shared to the right.. many more on personal social media sites from the student designers and fabricators.